Engineering leader with a people first approach to leadership and focus on Developer Experience (DevEx). Driven by the values of Exploration, Openness, and Care, I have spent the last 5 years of my career dedicated to DevEx and leadership, particularly in supporting and empowering mobile engineers. Using my 10 years of experience as a mobile engineer and leadership experience enables me to bridge the gap between technical excellence and exceptional user experiences. Currently focusing on engineering leadership, mobile DevOps, and consulting, I leverage my expertise to drive organisational success.
Lover of storytelling in all its forms from graphic novels to musicals. I enjoy well crafted stories and the impact they can have on people.
French/European style Bande Dessinée has a special place in my heart. I was part of an association during University and helped organise a yearly convention with Authors coming to showcase their latest creations
When I want to play around with tech, I enjoy tinkering with my own self-hosted services. I have my own server running and regularly experiment with various means to avoid relying on the Tech Giants solutions.